Background To provide turnkey dry mill plant engineering and construction
Problem PROBLEM As a result of the ethanol manufacturing process, emissions from various sources require oxidation. In addition, a significant portion of the energy used in the emissions oxidation process is recovered to supply steam for plant operations.
Process Emissions Ethanol production emissions include carbon monoxide (CO) and a variety of organic hydrocarbons.
Solution Air Clear engineers designed, fabricated and installed a complete recuperative thermal oxidizer system which guarantees destruction of the CO and organics from the ethanol production process while producing steam for plant-wide production demand.
Process Equipment
- The system is a recuperative and direct-fired thermal oxidizer (THERMOX™). It includes a custom-designed Low NOx burner, fuel delivery system, process gas injection system, recuperative heat exchanger and heat recovery steam generator (by others).
- Special features allow the system to automatically modify oxidizer operations to continuously meet changing plant steam demand while maintaining destruction of plant emissions.
- The entire system is remotely operated via a state-of-the-art distributive control system (DCS).